The portrait of Kobe is my opening illustration since more than a year.
It's the second portrait I drew, after Michael Jordan (obviously), but I always considered it as the best one of the serie.
One week ago the world has been shocked by the devastating news of Kobe's death, among other 8 people including his beloved daughter Gianna.
Kobe has always been one of my heroes. Actually he has always been the "villain", as I'm a Boston Celtics fan and his Lakers were the "enemy".
But Kobe was the kind of villain you root for. It didn't matter the team, he's been an example to follow for me, since that time I met him in 1998.
I decided to keep his portrait as the first illustration of my portfolio. I don't like illustrators and artists, or just people, who use tragedies to get some spotlights, but I will keep his beautiful face, his fierce eyes, as the opening image of my portfolio.
Thankful to Kobe for being one of my heroes who guided me through example during all my adult life.
